As a resilient and nimble organization, Girl Scouts of Nassau County has adjusted to meet the needs of girls for over a century. 

Girl Scouts continues to focus on our four core pillars of STEM, Outdoors, Life Skills, and Entrepreneurship.  Additionally, we are emphasizing three areas that are critical to girls’ success right now:  supporting girls’ mental health, mitigating learning loss, and helping girls reflect the values of justice and fairness. 

There are many girls in Nassau County that cannot take full advantage of the many Girl Scout opportunities and benefits due to their families limited discretionary time, means of transportation, finances, access to technology, and language or cultural barriers.  These are girls with untapped talents and leadership skills who just need opportunities and access to realize their potential. 

Girl Scouts of Nassau County is excited to announce its plan to take Girl Scout activities and staff directly to our girls and their families in the local communities in which they live via mobile programming - bringing Girl Scouting to community centers, parks, school yards, house of worship and other public spaces, opening up more times and places for girls and their families to fully participate. 

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